Introduction by Veronica Dottore:
It is my great pleasure to introduce our speaker who is going to enlighten us about what to expect in the topic “The Coming Year” Jeff Neale’s involvement started about 50 years ago, attending’ Family Meetings’ at the Rotary Club of Campbelltown with his parents Reg n Shirley Neale. Jeff joined the club in 1990 n served as President in 2007 - 2008. He is a Paul Harris Fellow with 3 sapphires. Jeff is married to Jenny, they have 3 adult children and a new grandson. He is the Dealer Principal of Paradise Mazda, a family business started by his father. Please join me in welcoming Jeff Neale who is our newly elected District Governor.
DG Jeff then thanked everyone for their support in his new role and for those who attended the DG changeover last Sunday. He had an apology tonight from his wife Jenny . If it wasn’t for covid restrictions stopping his Dad from attending the District Changeover, the Neale’s would have not just 3 but 4 generations represented. Jeff said that his Dad Reg and late Mum Shirley were a big influence and gave him such a great advantage in his life. He fondly remembers that Rotary and the Campbelltown members also played a big part his formative years. A special thanks to Peter Rumbelow who found a copy of the 1969 Annual Report that was in his Dad’s presidential year and was used earlier. DG Jeff then shared some insights about the structure of District 9510, the many roles within the District,& how a lot of work is done, behind the scenes by dedicated Rotarians , serving District Roles. He then He then asked for a show of hands, on who are serving on District Roles within the Club? He then thanked them personally, for the great work they do and that is the reason why, sometimes they are not able to attend Club meetings due to their district commitments. Please give them your support. In the year ahead, Jeff as DG, supported by wife Jenny, plan to meet, each and every 84 Clubs within the District. As there are only 52 weeks in a year his Dinner Diary is booked out for at least 2-3 nights a week till March 2022. He is assisted in this role with the feedback of the Area Coordinators (12) and his executive team. Other matters and areas of focus discussed were: -
➢ Polio is still a top priority but not the only thing; Yes, clubs to be
encouraged to support projects locally and globally and
everything in-between.
➢ Clubs to look at your members- Are you engaging them? Do they feel welcome? Projects bring people in, but relationships keep them there.
➢ The district is there to offer, assistance and guidance to the Clubs and provide the administrative framework to make it happen.
➢ The District Area Coordinators will encourage individual Clubs to personally interact & connect with other Clubs, for efficiency of resources, and greater outcomes.
➢ Encourage Club Members to talk to friends and share with them what Rotary is about. Be prepared to answer questions, have a few stories you can share, tell them of What you have done & Why etc. Remember what motivated you to join Rotary, may inspire/ motivate others. Just plant the seed & share your Rotary Journey.
➢ What about our Club in the year ahead?
➢ Polio is still a top priority but not the only thing; Yes, clubs to be
encouraged to support projects locally and globally and
everything in-between.
➢ Clubs to look at your members- Are you engaging them? Do they feel welcome? Projects bring people in, but relationships keep them there.
➢ The district is there to offer, assistance and guidance to the Clubs and provide the administrative framework to make it happen.
➢ The District Area Coordinators will encourage individual Clubs to personally interact & connect with other Clubs, for efficiency of resources, and greater outcomes.
➢ Encourage Club Members to talk to friends and share with them what Rotary is about. Be prepared to answer questions, have a few stories you can share, tell them of What you have done & Why etc. Remember what motivated you to join Rotary, may inspire/ motivate others. Just plant the seed & share your Rotary Journey.
➢ What about our Club in the year ahead?
We are lucky & a privileged club with a good member base, but we need to not be complacent.
For our April 2022 district conference – everyone is important and is recognised for the work they can do, in any way to make it a success. So please support the
Conference Committee if you asked to help. Thanks to everyone who has accepted roles so far & thanks to all those on the committee chaired by Susan Harris.
Conference Committee if you asked to help. Thanks to everyone who has accepted roles so far & thanks to all those on the committee chaired by Susan Harris.
Pictured: President Steph, with DG Jeff Neale and Chair Veronica Dottore.