JUNIOR SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL GRANTS SCHEME (2023-2024) - Applications close Friday 20 October 2023

Applications are invited for the Junior Sports and Recreational Grants Scheme, funded from the Athelstone Youth Club Grants Fund that is administered by the Rotary Club of Campbelltown, which, at the discretion of its Board, also contributes an equivalent amount to funded grants.
The aim of this scheme is to encourage the development of support programs, services, facilities or projects that will enhance junior sport and recreation in the City of Campbelltown.
Applications must be from non-profit, incorporated organisations within the Campbelltown Council area, and must demonstrate benefit to a significant number of young people in the area involving junior sport and recreation.
Total grants provided under this Scheme will not exceed $6,000 per year, with each successful application capped at $2,000. It is expected that successful applicants will supplement Grant Funds with their own money to enable spending, in the manner they have specified, within 12 months of receiving the funds and will submit a completed Grant Acquittal Form to the Rotary Club of Campbelltown.
Completed applications, addressing the above criteria, close on Friday 20 October 2023 and should be:
emailed to: rccsportsgrants@gmail.com
or posted to:
Rotary Club of Campbelltown
Junior Sports and Recreational Grants Scheme
PO Box 438
Emailed to: rccsportsgrants@gmail.com
or Posted to:
Rotary Club of Campbelltown
Junior Sports and Recreational Grants Scheme
PO Box 438