On Tuesday 4 April 2023, the Rotary Club of Campbelltown, aided by a facilitator from each of the Rotary Clubs of Northern York Peninsula, Morialta and Magill Sunrise, delivered the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness program to about 100 year 10 Students from Charles Campbell College.
On Tuesday 4 April 2023, the Rotary Club of Campbelltown, aided by a facilitator from each of the Rotary Clubs of Northern York Peninsula, Morialta and Magill Sunrise, delivered the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness program to about 100 year 10 Students from Charles Campbell College.
The program encouraged students to undertake a self risk assessment and relate the outcome to driving attitude, to develop strategies to ensure their driver acts responsibility and does not speed, and to consider the affect of families and friends of road tragedies. Students also watched a vehicle braking demonstration to gain a better understand of how far a car will travel while under heavy braking from various speeds.