Saturday, March 18th 2023, Campbelltown City Council celebrated its Community BBQ with Neighbour Day 2023.
The Rotary Club of Campbelltown SA members were delighted to provide the cooking and serving of the Halal, Gluten Free and Veggie BBQ.

Saturday, March 18th 2023, Campbelltown City Council celebrated its final Community BBQ for this year with Neighbour Day 2023, with many Campbelltown residents from a number of local communities. Families of all ages joined together on a very pleasant Autumn Day at the beautiful Gurners Reserve, Leabrook Drive Rostrevor, a perfect and leafy backdrop for a BBQ on the grass.
The Rotary Club of Campbelltown SA members were delighted to provide the cooking and serving of the Halal, Gluten Free and Veggie BBQ. The Club wishes to acknowledge the use of the BBQ equipment from the Rotary Club of Morialta, and the Campbelltown City Council who provided the delicious food for an enthusiastic group of people to eat and enjoy the ambiance of the day.
There was Live entertainment, Children's Games, Library &Community Info Stalls, fun Activities and more!
Much fellowship and renewal of friendships was the order of the day, as there were many residents from the various communities to engage with.
If you think this is something you would like to volunteer for, talk to a Rotarian, come join us.
People of Action, it's fun!