At the end of 2020, the Rotary Club of Campbelltown sponsored and helped establish the Interact Club of Charles Campbell College. Interact Clubs involve members between the ages of 14 and 18 – our secondary students. At the same time, through Nikki the chair of our club’s Youth Committee, we supported Charles Campbell College to establish an EarlyAct Club for students in the primary years, up to the age of 13. The mission of EarlyAct is to promote goodwill, understanding and peace through student service - so that with the committed citizenship and effective leadership they can improve the quality of life of their school, local and global communities. At a young age, students can easily be encouraged to be caring and helpful. Young people are open to recognise the dignity and worth of each individual, thereby building their respect for others. Earlyacters engage in character building activities that prepare them for leadership roles - they carry out projects which benefit others. In addition to supporting their school’s Breakfast Club, the EarlyAct Club has initiated a Backpack Project to help those experiencing homelessness. Three members of the board of the new Earlyact club - President Lily, Vice President Tahlia, and Treasurer Ruby discussed their project to the club below.
Good evening Rotary Club members. My name is Lily Cartwright, and I am the president of Early Act. My name is Ruby Cartwright, and I am the treasurer of Early Act. Tahlia Goodfellow our vice president is an apology.
This year the Early Act members and board members are undertaking a project; backpacks for people experiencing homelessness. Did you know that a large portion of people experiencing homelessness are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, or females aged over 55 who have had relationship breakdowns or experienced domestic violence?
On Friday the 4th of June, Earlyact met with Craig McGlone from Baptist Care who will be supporting us in delivering the backpacks for people in need. In our meeting we showed Craig our list and discussed what items we should and should not include. We have asked the school and wider community for donations – and have generously been provided with an abundance of items from Lyelll McEwin Hospital, Ecolateral goods, Campbelltown Council, families and staff. Please see the photograph of our donations and check list that Ms Falco took today.
So far as a Junior School we have raised over $1500 which will be used to purchase Food Vouchers and Metro Cards for each backpack. In total we are aiming to make 20 backpacks; 10 for middle aged men and 10 for women aged over 50. We look forward to the opportunity to make a difference for the people experiencing homelessness. We thank you for inviting us here tonight and for your ongoing support.