Club History
For 115 years, Rotary members have been addressing challenges around the world. It started with the vision of one man — Paul Harris. The Chicago attorney formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on 23 February 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities. Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of its members.
The Rotary Club of Campbelltown was charted on 16th February 1966, under the sponsorship of the Rotary Club of St Peters. 
Page Stories
At our meeting on the 12th July District Governor Jeff Neale introduced his father Reg Neale who was the 1966 foundation member of the Club.
Note : Reg was unable to attend Jeff’s District Governor Induction at last Sunday’s District Conference due to Covid restrictions but it was a great pleasure & honour for both Jeff, members and guests, to have Reg at the first Campbelltown 2021-2022 meeting with Jeff as the new District Governor for the Rotary Year 2021-2022.
David Richards joined this Rotary club in March 1974 having been proposed by Rotarian David Munro. After 2 years on committees he served as Director of Community Service in 1976/77, Director of Vocational Service in 1977/78 and then in 1978/79 he served as Classification Chairman.
He was then asked by the late Past President Len Rowlands to be his Secretary in 1979/80. In 1980/81 he served as Club Service Chairman and then was inducted as President into this great Club by the late Past President Eric Webb for 1981/82. 
Read about David's experience in the club here.